QML API is plan to compatible with QtMultimedia module. Here is a list of unsupported API
libass is supported now. You can use
subtitleFilter->setEngines(QStringList() << "LibASS" << "FFmpeg")
to enable libass renderering if possible. In QML
Video {
subtitle.engines: ["LibASS", "FFmpeg"]
It will take effect soon even if video is playing.
Requres Qt5. So ubuntu must be >=14.04.
git submodule update --init
debuild -us -uc -j4
sudo dpkg -i ../*qtav*.deb
Then you can run QtAV players and develop QtAV based applications.
Log message in QtAV is annoying sometimes. Now only debug build will enable logging. You can also enable/disable the logging using
You can also use environment var QTAV_LOG_LEVEL
, value can be all, debug, warning, critical, fatal
. If environment var is set, other setLogLevel()
will be ignored.